JT 1000 Radio Batteries, Parts and Accessories

Battery Distributors carries a full line of batteries, parts and accessories for the JT 1000 radio. The line of accessories include JT 1000       radio batteries, JT 1000 radio holsters, JT 1000 radio antennas, JT 1000 radio chargers, JT 1000 radio surveillance kits, JT 1000 radio speaker mics, JT 1000 radio headsets

The  RAF4001AMA   is a Motorola Original Roof Mount Vehicular Antenna. Allows users to convert their portable radio into a mobile application. ONLY INCLUDES ANTENNA
Manufacturer Motorola Product TypeAntenna
The  RAF4001AMB   is a Motorola Original Roof Mount Vehicular Antenna. Allows users to convert their portable radio into a mobile application. ONLY INCLUDES ANTENNA
Manufacturer Motorola Product TypeAntenna
The  RAF4001ARB   is a Motorola Original Roof Mount Vehicular Antenna. Allows users to convert their portable radio into a mobile application. ONLY INCLUDES ANTENNA
Manufacturer Motorola Product TypeAntenna
The  RAF4001ARL   is a Motorola Original Roof Mount Vehicular Antenna. Allows users to convert their portable radio into a mobile application. ONLY INCLUDES ANTENNA
Manufacturer Motorola Product TypeAntenna
The  RAF4001ARM   is a Motorola Original Roof Mount Vehicular Antenna. Allows users to convert their portable radio into a mobile application. ONLY INCLUDES ANTENNA
Manufacturer Motorola Product TypeAntenna
The  RAF4001ATM   is a Motorola Original Roof Mount Vehicular Antenna. Allows users to convert their portable radio into a mobile application. ONLY INCLUDES ANTENNA
Manufacturer Motorola Product TypeAntenna
- 8%
Motorola 8505644V01, 8505644V01: The 8505644V01 Motorola Antenna features VHF Band, Heliflex Style, 136-150.8 MHz  
AntennaPortable/Hand Held Radio Antenna BandVHF
Motorola REX4648A, REX4648A, REX4648: The REX4648A Motorola Ear Pad & Windscreen Kit fits AARMN4018A, AARMN4018B, BDN6773A and RMN4016B Headsets and others  
Known AsMotorola REX4648A, REX4648A, REX4648 Manufacturer Motorola
- 8%
Motorola RKN4095B, RKN4095B, RKN4095A, RKN4095: The RKN4095B Motorola Headset PTT Adapter Cable features Easy Interchangability, Coiled Cord, Large PTT for ease of use with gloves and Links between Headset and Radio with Quick Disconnect  
Known AsMotorola RKN4095B, RKN4095B, RKN4095A, RKN4095 Manufacturer Motorola
Motorola RLN4570A, RLN4570A, RLN4570: The RLN4570A Motorola Chest Pack features Protection for radio in ruff environments and provides the freedom from holding it during standby communication mode, Break-a-way Tabs that allow the entire pack to be pulled off with approximately 10 pounds of pressure. The pack fits virtually any radio and also has a pen holder and velcro secured pouch  
Carry FeaturesBreak-A-Way Chest Pack Known AsMotorola RLN4570A, RLN4570A, RLN4570
- 71%
Motorola RLN4760A, RLN4760A, RLN4760: The RLN4760A Motorola Earpiece features Soft Hygenic Rubber and Size Small Right Ear
Known AsMotorola RLN4760A, RLN4760A, RLN4760 Manufacturer Battery Distributors
- 71%
Motorola RLN4761A, RLN4761A, RLN4761: The RLN4761A Motorola Earpiece features Soft Hygenic Rubber and Size Medium Right Ear
Known AsMotorola RLN4761A, RLN4761A, RLN4761 Manufacturer Battery Distributors
- 71%
Motorola RLN4762A, RLN4762A, RLN4762: The RLN4762A Motorola Earpiece features Soft Hygenic Rubber and Size Large Right Ear  
Known AsMotorola RLN4762A, RLN4762A, RLN4762 Manufacturer Battery Distributors
- 71%
Motorola RLN4763A, RLN4763A, RLN4763: The RLN4763A Motorola Earpiece features Soft Hygenic Rubber and Size Small Left Ear  
Known AsMotorola RLN4763A, RLN4763A, RLN4763 Manufacturer Battery Distributors
- 71%
Motorola RLN4764A, RLN4764A, RLN4764: The RLN4764A Motorola Earpiece features Soft Hygenic Rubber and Size Medium Left Ear  
Known AsMotorola RLN4764A, RLN4764A, RLN4764 Manufacturer Battery Distributors
- 71%
Motorola RLN4765A, RLN4765A, RLN4765: The RLN4765A Motorola Earpiece features Soft Hygenic Rubber and Size Large Left Ear  
Known AsMotorola RLN4765A, RLN4765A, RLN4765 Manufacturer Battery Distributors
Motorola RLN4815A, RLN4815A, RLN4815: The RLN4815A Motorola RadioPAk features Durable Nylon Construction, Lightweight, Additional 6 x 8 Inch Zipper Pouch for other on-the-job necessities, Adjustable woven nylon belt fits both men and women and Will virtually fit almost every radio  
Carry FeaturesWaist RadioPAk Known AsMotorola RLN4815A, RLN4815A, RLN4815
Motorola RLN4923B, RLN4923B, RLN4923A, RLN4923: The RLN4923B Motorola Earseals Includes 2 replacement earseals for Heavy Duty Headsets RMN4051B, RMN4052A and RMN4053A. RLN4923A  
Known AsMotorola RLN4923B, RLN4923B, RLN4923A, RLN4923
- 67%
The RLN4941A is our direct replacement for the original Motorola. Our RLN4941A features Coiled Acoustical Style Earpiece, 3.5mm Plug and Mushroom Ear Bud. The 3.5mm plug is Non Threaded Will fit all remote speaker mics that have a 3.5mm accessory port  
Surveillance Kits/PiecesReceive Only Earpiece Radio Model Speaker MicXTS 3500, MOTOTRBO XPR 6580, APX 7000, MTX·LS, APX 1000, MT 2000, XTS 4250, APX 7000 XE, MOTOTRBO XPR 7350, PR 1500, MOTOTRBO XPR 6100, MTS 2000, XTS 5000, SRX 2200, MOTOTRBO XPR 7380, XTS 1500, MOTOTRBO XPR 6350, MTX 960, MT 1500, HT 1250, MOTOTRBO XPR 7550, XTS 2250, MOTOTRBO XPR 6380, APX 4000, MTX 8000, MOTOTRBO XPR 6300, HT 1250·LS, MOTOTRBO XPR 7580, XTS 2500, MOTOTRBO XPR 6500, APX 6000, MTX 838, APX 6000 LI, HT 1000, APX 4000 LI, XTS 3000, MOTOTRBO XPR 6550, APX 6000 XE, MTX 9000, APX 3000, JT 1000
- 7%
Motorola RLN5311B, RLN5311B, RLN5311A, RLN5311: The RLN5311A Motorola Surveillance Kit features Color Beige, 2 Wire Kit, Acoustical Coiled Ear Tube, Clothing Clip, Combined Mic & PTT, 3.5mm Plug, Threaded Connector
Known AsMotorola RLN5311B, RLN5311B, RLN5311A, RLN5311 Manufacturer Motorola
- 8%
Motorola RLN5312B, RLN5312B, RLN5312A, RLN5312: The RLN5312B Motorola Surveillance Kit features 2 Wire Kit, Clear Acoustical Coiled Ear Tube, Large PTT, 3.5mm Threaded Plug  
Clothing ClipCLothing Clip Yes Surveillance Kits/Pieces2 Wire w/Acoustical Ear Tube
Motorola RLN5313B, RLN5313B, RLN5313: The RLN5313B Motorola Surveillance Kit features Color Black, 1 Wire, Receive Only, Acoustical Coiled Ear Tube, Clothing Clip, 3.5mm Plug, Threaded Connector
Known AsMotorola RLN5313B, RLN5313B, RLN5313 Manufacturer Motorola
Motorola RLN5914A, RLN5914A, RLN5914: The RLN5914A Motorola Mounting Bracket for Travel Charger features Screws and Nylon Cord (included with RLN4883A and RLN4884). The RLN5914A works as a replacement bracket for the RLN4883 and RLN4884 DC Travel Chargers  
Known AsMotorola RLN5914A, RLN5914A, RLN5914 Manufacturer Motorola
Motorola RLN6232A, RLN6232A, RLN6232: The RLN6232A Motorola Acoustical Tube features Coiled Tube, Clear Tube, Quick Disconnect, Mushroom Eartip and is designed to attach to most Surveillance kits  
Clothing ClipCLothing Clip Yes Surveillance Kits/PiecesAcoustical Ear Tube
- 57%
Our RLN6242 is a direct replacement for the Motorola Original. The RLN6242 Acoustic Ear Tube comes with Rubber Mushroom Eartip and Acoustical Coiled Tube. The RLN6242 is also known as RLN6242A  
Surveillance Kits/PiecesClear Acoustic Tube Known AsRLN6242A, RLN6242
- 33%
Our Brand RLN6282 Ear Tips features Pack of 50, Mushroom Style, Color Clear and will fit on most Acoustical Coiled Earpiece's. RLN6282 is also known as RLN6282A
Surveillance Kits/PiecesMushroom Eartips Known AsMotorola RLN6282A, RLN6282A, RLN6282
Motorola RLN6486A, RLN6486A, RLN6486: The RLN6486A Motorola Fireman's Strap features, Length 56", 1 1/4 Wide, Heavy Duty Leather, Leather Speaker Mic Loop, Positive Locking Buckle, Mates to a Carry Case via Rust Free Scissor Snaps and Connects to Holster D Rings  
Carry FeaturesShoulder Strap Known AsMotorola RLN6486A, RLN6486A, RLN6486
Motorola RLN6487A, RLN6487A, RLN6487: The RLN6487A Motorola Fireman's Strap features, Length 64", Extra Large, 1 1/4 Wide, Heavy Duty Leather, Leather Speaker Mic Loop, Positive Locking Buckle, Mates to a Carry Case via Rust Free Scissor Snaps and Connects to Holster D Rings  
Carry FeaturesShoulder Strap Known AsMotorola RLN6487A, RLN6487A, RLN6487
Motorola RLN6488A, RLN6488A, RLN6488: The RLN6488A Motorola Strap features, 3/4 Wide Heavy Duty Leather, Double Clip Ends For Easy Attachment, Anti-Sway Strap and 5.5 Inches. The RLN6488A Anti-Sway Strap Enables the User to Clip to Turnout Gear and Carry Case to Keep Radio Close  
Carry FeaturesSway Strap Known AsMotorola RLN6488A, RLN6488A, RLN6488
- 6%
Motorola RLN6511A, RLN6511A, RLN6511: The RLN6511A Motorola Sonic Defenders features Size SMALL, EP7 Sonice Ultra Earplugs, Lanyard to each Earplug, Foam Comply Canal Tips, Noise Reduction Rating (NRR 28dB) and Filter Caps
Surveillance Kits/PiecesEar Protection Known AsMotorola RLN6511A, RLN6511A, RLN6511
Motorola RLN6512A, RLN6512A, RLN6512: The RLN6511A Motorola Sonic Defenders features Size SMALL, EP7 Sonice Ultra Earplugs, Lanyard to each Earplug, Foam Comply Canal Tips, Noise Reduction Rating (NRR 28dB) and Filter Caps
Surveillance Kits/PiecesEar Protection Known AsMotorola RLN6512A, RLN6512A, RLN6512
Motorola RLN6513A, RLN6513A, RLN6513: The RLN6513A Motorola Sonic Defenders features Size SMALL, EP7 Sonice Ultra Earplugs, Lanyard to each Earplug, Foam Comply Canal Tips, Noise Reduction Rating (NRR 28dB) and Filter Caps
Surveillance Kits/PiecesEar Protection Known AsMotorola RLN6513A, RLN6513A, RLN6513
- 9%
Motorola RMN4049A, RMN4049A, RMN4049: The RMN4049A Motorola Headset features Temple Transducers, Boom Mic, In-Line PTT, Coiled Cord, Cothing Clip, Behind-the-Head Style, Intrinsically Safe with FM Radios and Lightweight
Known AsMotorola RMN4049A, RMN4049A, RMN4049 Manufacturer Motorola
Motorola RMN4053B, RMN4053B, RMN4053A, RMN4053: The RMN4053B Motorola TacticalPro Hardhat Mount Headset features Dual Muff, On/Off Volume Control, Replaceable Ear Seals, 22dB, 3' Coiled Cord, Nexus Plug, 2 Mics on outside of earcups which helps reproduce ambient sound back into headset, Headset suppresses harmful sounds to safe levels, and low sounds are amplified up to 5 times their original level, but never more than 82dB
Known AsMotorola RMN4053B, RMN4053B, RMN4053A, RMN4053 Manufacturer Motorola
- 19%
Motorola RMN4055B, RMN4055B, RMN4055A, RMN4055: The RMN4055B Motorola Headset features Black Color, Over-The-Head Style, Listen Only, Coiled Cord, 3.5mm L Shape Plug, Replaceable Ear Seals, Non Threaded, Dual Muff and Rated 25dB. The RMN4055B is designed for high noise environments where users must hear information clearly, but seldom need to transmit. The RMN4055B is designed to plug into the Accessory Port located on the Speaker Mic or an Adapter mounted to the radio  
Known AsMotorola RMN4055B, RMN4055B, RMN4055A, RMN4055 Manufacturer Motorola
- 1%
Motorola RMN4056B, RMN4056B, RMN4056: The RMN4056B Motorola Headset features Over-the-Head Style, Dual Ear Muff, Noise Reduction Rating 25dB, 3.5mm Threaded Jack, Great for Noisy Environments where the user needs to hear critical information with limited need to Transmit  
Known AsMotorola RMN4056B, RMN4056B, RMN4056 Manufacturer Motorola
- 4%
Motorola RMN5038A, RMN5038: The RMN5038A Motorola Remote Speaker Mic features Emergency Button, Volume Control, 3.5mm Accessory Port
Clothing ClipRotational, Replaceable Clothing Clip Emergency ButtonEmergency Button Yes
- 14%
Motorola RMN5049A, RMN5049A, RMN5049: The RMN5049A Motorola Headset features Rugged Temple Transducer, Boom Mic, Coiled Cord, Clothing Clip, Noise Cancelling, In-Line PTT, Direct Radio Connect and Adjustable Head Strap. Able to wear with or without helmet
Known AsMotorola RMN5049A, RMN5049A, RMN5049 Manufacturer Motorola
- 22%
Motorola RMN5135A, RMN5135A, RMN5135: The RMN5135A Motorola Headset features Behind-The-Head Neckband Style, Dual Muff, On/Off Volume Control, Replaceable Ear Seals, 25dB, 3' Coiled Cord, Nexus Plug, 2 Mics on outside of earcups which helps reproduce ambient sound back into headset, Headset suppresses harmful sounds to safe levels, and low sounds are amplified up to 5 times their original level, but never more than 82dB  
Known AsMotorola RMN5135A, RMN5135A, RMN5135 Manufacturer Motorola
Motorola RNN4005A, RNN4005A, RNN4005: The RNN4005A Motorola Battery 6 Pack 1.4 Volt. The RNN4005A Batteries are for the RLN4922A Completely Discreet Earpiece Kit or the RLN4921A Wireless Earpiece  
Surveillance Kits/PiecesBattery 6 Pack Known AsMotorola RNN4005A, RNN4005A, RNN4005
Motorola TDN9373A, TDN9373A, TDN9373: The TDN9373A Motorola Hanger features Color Black, fits Door Panel sizes up to 3.25" and will fit most radios with belt clip. The portable radio hanger slides over and hangs from the door panel and the radio's belt clip slides into the portable hanger allowing convenient and easy mounting
Known AsMotorola TDN9373A, TDN9373A, TDN9373 Manufacturer Motorola
Motorola TDN9435C, TDN9435C, TDN9435: The TDN9435C Motorola Battery Maintenance System Adapter (BMS) and is for Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) Batteries Only. The TDN9435C Adapter Plate works with the 6 Station WPLN4079, WPLN4080, WPLN4081 and 3 Station NDN4005B and NDN4006B BMS Plus battery maintenance systems
Known AsMotorola TDN9435C, TDN9435C, TDN9435 Manufacturer Motorola
Motorola WADN4190B, WADN4190: The WADN4190B Motorola Earpiece features Coiled Flexible Over the Ear Style Earpiece, 3.5mm Plug and Black Coiled Cable. The 3.5mm plug is Non Threaded Will fit all remote speaker mics that have a 3.5mm accessory port    
Surveillance Kits/PiecesReceive Only Earpiece Radio Model Speaker MicCT 250, JT 1000, XTS 2500, MOTOTRBO XPR 6500, APX 7000 XE, MOTOTRBO XPR 6550, MOTOTRBO XPR 7580, CT 150, APX 4000 LI, LTS 2000, MTX 8250 LS, XTS 3000, MOTOTRBO XPR 6580, CP 200, HT 1250, MTS 2000, MT 1500, XTS 5000, APX 6000, XTS 2250, MTX 838, XTS 3500, MOTOTRBO XPR 7350, CT 450 LS, HT 1250 LS+, MOTOTRBO XPR 6350, PR 400, MT 2000, MTX 9000, CT 450, HT 1000, CP 200 XLS, HT 1250·LS, MOTOTRBO XPR 6380, PR 860, APX 6000 LI, MTX·LS, MTX 9250, XTS 4250, APX 3000, PR 1500, HT 1550 XLS, SRX 2200, MTX 8000, APX 6000 XE, MOTOTRBO XPR 6100, MTX 960, APX 1000, APX 4000, MOTOTRBO XPR 7380, HT 750, XTS 1500, MTX 8250, APX 7000, MOTOTRBO XPR 6300, MOTOTRBO XPR 7550
- 47%
The WPLN4108BR is our brand replacement for the original Motorola Charger. Our Brand WPLN4108BR features 110V with US PLUG, Built in Wall Mount, Replaceable Charger Cups, Rapid Rate, Quad-Chemistry NiCad, NiMh, Li-Po and Li-Ion, will charge Non Impres and Impres Batteries.  Our WPLN4109BR does not calibrate or recondition batteries.
ImpresNot Impres Known AsMotorola WPLN4108BR, WPLN4108BR, WPLN4108
- 78%
Our Replacement WPLN4111AR beats out the Motorola original Charger by cost. Our WPLN4111AR  features NON Impres, Single Unit, Quad-Chemistry, 110V AC, US Plug and Rapid Rate
Known AsWPLN4111AR, WPLN4111 Manufacturer Battery Distributors
- 41%
Motorola WPNN4013A, WPNN4013A, WPNN4013: The WPNN4013A Motorola Battery features Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMh), 2000 Milliamps, 7.2 Volts  
ChemistryNiMh Milliamps2000 MAH
The WPPN4004BR Motorola Conditioning Charger Adapter Plate is 7V and is used with WPPN4065BR conditioning charger
Known AsMotorola WPPN4004BR, WPPN4004BR, WPPN4004 Manufacturer Motorola
- 10%
Motorola ZMN6031A, ZMN6031A ZMN6031: The ZMN6031A Motorola Surveillance Kit features Color Beige, 3 Wires, Ear Hook with soft rubber ear tip, One wire for Receive, One Wire for PTT, One Wire for Mic, 6 Pin Quick Disconnect  
Clothing ClipCLothing Clip Yes Surveillance Kits/Pieces3 Wire w/Ear Hook
Motorola ZMN6032A, ZMN6032A ZMN6032: The ZMN6032A Motorola Surveillance Kit features Color Beige, 2 Wires, Ear Hook with soft rubber ear tip, One wire for Receive, One Wire for PTT and 6 Pin Quick Disconnect
Clothing ClipCLothing Clip Yes Surveillance Kits/Pieces2 Wire w/Ear Hook
Motorola ZMN6038A, ZMN6038A ZMN6038: The ZMN6038A Motorola Surveillance Kit features Color Beige, 2 Wires, Ear Hook with soft rubber ear tip, One wire for Receive, One Wire for PTT & Mic, Extra Loud Earpiece, 6 Pin Quick Disconnect  
Clothing ClipCLothing Clip Yes Surveillance Kits/Pieces2 Wire w/Ear Hook
- 22%
Replacement RMN4051B, RMN4051B, RMN4051A, RMN4051: This is a replacement for the discontinued Motorola Original RMN4051B. The Replacement RMN4051Hardhat Mount Headset features Color Black, Noise Cancelling Boom Microphone, Noise Reduction Rating 21dB, Ideal for two-way communication in high-noise environments, Mounts easily to hardhats with slots, 3-foot Coiled Cord Radio Headset has connector OPTIONS, you need to place in the comment section which radio you are using so we can send you the correct cable wires.
Known AsMotorola RMN4051B, RMN4051B, RMN4051A, RMN4051 Manufacturer Command Tac
- 22%
The XTS Radio Surveillance Kit features 2 Wire Kit, Clear Acoustical Coiled Ear Tube, PTT and Direct Radio Connect
Clothing ClipCLothing Clip Yes Surveillance Kits/Pieces2 Wire w/Acoustical Ear Tube
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