Battery Distributors carries a full line of batteries, parts and accessories for the MTX 450 radio. The line of accessories include MTX 450 radio batteries, MTX 450 radio holsters, MTX 450 radio antennas, MTX 450 radio chargers, MTX 450 radio surveillance kits, MTX 450 radio speaker mics, MTX 450 radio headsets

- 20%
The HNN9008AR Replacement for the Motorola Original Battery features Lithium Ion (Li-Ion), 2500 mAh and 7.2 Volts. This HNN9008 Battery comes with much higher Milliamps than OEM  
ChemistryNiMh Milliamps2500 MAH
Motorola 1505596Z02, 1505596Z02: The 1505596Z02 Motorola Strap for extending sizes larger than 40 Inches. This strap is compatible with HLN6602A Chest Pack and RLN4570A Break A Way Chest Pack  
Carry FeaturesChest Pack Extension Belt Known AsMotorola 1505596Z02, 1505596Z02
Motorola HLN6602A, HLN6602A, HLN6602: The HLN6602A Motorola Chest Pack features Pen Holder and Velcro Secured Pouch. This item will fit virtually every radio model which some may not be listed here  
Carry FeaturesUniversal Chest Pack Known AsMotorola HLN6602A, HLN6602A, HLN6602
- 4%
Motorola HNN4001A, HNN4001A, HNN4001: The HNN4001A Motorola Battery features IMPRES Technology, Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMh), 1800 mAh  
ChemistryNiMh Milliamps1800 MAH
- 7%
Motorola HNN9008AR, HNN9008AR, HNN9008: The HNN9008AR Motorola Battery features Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMh), 1500 mAh and 7.2 Volts  
ChemistryNiMh Milliamps1500 MAH
- 52%
Our Brand Replacement HNN9013DR is a direct replacement for the Motorola original Battery. Our HNN9013DR provides much higher Milliamps which allows longer run times in between charging. The HNN9013DR features Lithium Ion (Li-ion), 2500 mAh, 7.2 Volts and Belt Clip. The HNN9013DR is also known as HNN9013BR, HNN9013CR and HNN9013 12 Month Warranty  
Belt ClipYES ChemistryLi-Ion
- 10%
Motorola PMMN4021A, PMMN4021A, PMMN4021: The PMMN4021A Motorola Speaker Mic features Coiled Cord, 3.5mm Accessory Port, Swivel Clip, Windporting and Intrinsically safe only with intrinsically safe radios  
Clothing ClipSwivel Shoulder Clip Intrinsically Safe MicIntrinsically Safe
Motorola PMMN4027A, PMMN4027A, PMMN4027: The PMMN4027A Motorola Speaker Mic features Coiled Cord, Swivel Clip, IP57 Rated and Intrinsically Safe only with intrinsically safe radios  
Clothing ClipSwivel Shoulder Clip Hazardous Rating IP57
- 11%
Motorola PMMN4044A, PMMN4044A, PMMN4004: The PMMN4044A Motorola Speaker Mic features Coiled Cord, IP57 Rated, Volume Toggle, Swivel Clip  
Clothing ClipSwivel Shoulder Clip Dust ResistantYES
- 26%
Motorola PMNN4455AR, PMNN4455AR, PMNN4455: The PMNN4455AR Motorola Battery features Lithium Ion (Li-Ion), 2800 mAh, 7.2 Volts  
ChemistryLi-Ion Milliamps2800 MAH
- 19%
Motorola PMNN4457AR, PMNN4457AR, PMNN4457: The PMNN4457AR Motorola Battery features Lithium Ion (Li-Ion), 2050 mAh, Rated IP54  
ChemistryLi-Ion Milliamps2050 MAH
Motorola RLN4570A, RLN4570A, RLN4570: The RLN4570A Motorola Chest Pack features Protection for radio in ruff environments and provides the freedom from holding it during standby communication mode, Break-a-way Tabs that allow the entire pack to be pulled off with approximately 10 pounds of pressure. The pack fits virtually any radio and also has a pen holder and velcro secured pouch  
Carry FeaturesBreak-A-Way Chest Pack Known AsMotorola RLN4570A, RLN4570A, RLN4570
Motorola RLN4815A, RLN4815A, RLN4815: The RLN4815A Motorola RadioPAk features Durable Nylon Construction, Lightweight, Additional 6 x 8 Inch Zipper Pouch for other on-the-job necessities, Adjustable woven nylon belt fits both men and women and Will virtually fit almost every radio  
Carry FeaturesWaist RadioPAk Known AsMotorola RLN4815A, RLN4815A, RLN4815
- 47%
The WPLN4192A is our brand replacement for the Motorola Charger. Our WPLN4192A features 12 Month Warranty, 6 Unit Multi Charger, NON Impres, Built in Wall Mount, Replaceable Charger Cups allowing for future radio upgrades and 110 Volt US Plug. The WPLN4192A is also known as WPLN4192
ImpresNot Impres Known AsMotorola WPLN4192A, WPLN4192A, WPLN4192
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