XTS 4250 Radio Batteries, Parts and Accessories

Battery Distributors carries a full line of batteries, parts and accessories for the XTS 4250 radio. The line of accessories include XTS 4250  radio batteries, XTS 4250 radio holsters, XTS 4250 radio antennas, XTS 4250 radio chargers, XTS 4250 radio surveillance kits, XTS 4250 radio speaker mics, XTS 4250 radio headsets

Motorola 0104034J90: The 0104034J90 Motorola Remote Speaker Mic Replacement Cable is for PMMN4045 Mic Head Not Included  
Warranty12 Month Radio Model Speaker MicXTS 2250, MTX 8000, XTS 2500, MTX 838, HT 1000, XTS 3000, MTX 9000, JT 1000, XTS 3500, MTX·LS, MT 2000, XTS 4250, PR 1500, MTS 2000, XTS 5000, XTS 1500, MTX 960, MT 1500
Motorola 0104034J91: The 0104034J91 Motorola Remote Speaker Mic Replacement Cable Assembly for PMMN4051 Does Not Include Mic Head,  HT 1000 Replacement Cable,   JT 1000 Replacement Cable,   MT 1500 Replacement Cable,   MT 2000 Replacement Cable,   MTS 2000 Replacement Cable,   MTX-LS Replacement Cable,   MTX 838 Replacement Cable,   MTX 8000 Replacement Cable,   MTX 9000 Replacement Cable,   MTX 960 Replacement Cable,   PR 1500 Replacement Cable,   XTS 1500 Replacement Cable,   XTS 2250 Replacement Cable,   XTS 2500 Replacement Cable,   XTS 3000 Replacement Cable,   XTS 3500 Replacement Cable,   XTS 4250 Replacement Cable,   XTS 5000  
Warranty12 Month Radio Model Speaker MicXTS 3000, MTX 9000, JT 1000, XTS 3500, MTX·LS, MT 2000, XTS 4250, PR 1500, MTS 2000, XTS 5000, XTS 1500, MTX 960, MT 1500, XTS 2250, MTX 8000, XTS 2500, MTX 838, HT 1000
Motorola 1505596Z02, 1505596Z02: The 1505596Z02 Motorola Strap for extending sizes larger than 40 Inches. This strap is compatible with HLN6602A Chest Pack and RLN4570A Break A Way Chest Pack  
Carry FeaturesChest Pack Extension Belt Known AsMotorola 1505596Z02, 1505596Z02
Motorola 2580600E05, 2580600E05: The 2580600E05 Motorola Transformer features 120V, (US) Plug and the ability to utilize the Travel Charger in your vehicle or by pluging into a wall outlet. The 2580600E05 is the TRANSFORMER ONLY. The Travel Charger DC Cord plugs into the AC Transformer Cord
Known AsMotorola 2580600E05, 2580600E05 Manufacturer Motorola
Motorola 3004209T03, 3004209T03: The 3004209T03 Motorola Power Cord is an IMPRES Power Cord and is a replacement cord for the WPLN4111AR Impres Charger  
Known AsMotorola 3004209T03, 3004209T03 Manufacturer Motorola
The 3060665A04 Motorola Cord features versatile Interchangeability, 120V, US Plug
Known AsMotorola 3060665A04, 3060665A04 Manufacturer Motorola
Motorola 3080384G15: The 3080384G15 Motorola Original Cigarette Lighter Adapter for Motorola Conditioning Chargers. Charge your batteries and detect faulty ones on the go with this vehicular power adapter. The 3080384G15 Motorola DC Power Cord gives you the felibility to keep your batteries in peak performance while on the go
Known AsMotorola 3080384G15, 3080384G15 Manufacturer Motorola
Motorola 4280384F89, 4280384F89: The 4280384F89 Motorola Extension Belt allows for the extension of the waist belts of the RadioPak and Chest Packs and is Designed for waists larger than 40 inches. The 4280384F89 Belt Extender fits RLN4815A Waist Pack, HLN6602 Universal Radio Pack and RLN4570 Break-A-Way Chest Pack  
Carry FeaturesHeavy Duty Nylon Belt Extension Known AsMotorola 4280384F89, 4280384F89
- 27%
Motorola 5080370E97, 5080370E97: The 5080370E97 Motorola Eartips features Color Clear, Soft Rubber and is designed to attach/replace the eartip on the acoustical coiled ear tube  
Surveillance Kits/PiecesStandard Rubber Eartips Known AsMotorola 5080370E97, 5080370E97
Motorola 5080384F72, 5080384F72: The 5080384F72 Motorola Ear Plugs features Pack of 50, Attenuating Plug, Color Yellow, High Noise Protection, Rated 24dB and will fit on most Acoustical Coiled Earpiece's in place of the Mushroom tip  
Noise CancelingNoise Canceling Yes Surveillance Kits/PiecesHigh Noise Attenuating Plugs
- 35%
Motorola 5080386B90, 5080386B90: The 5080386B90 Motorola Mushroom Tips features Pack of 25 Mushroom Eartips and Color Clear
Surveillance Kits/Pieces25 Pack Mushroom Eartips Known AsMotorola 5080386B90, 5080386B90
Motorola 5080548E02, 5080548E02: The 5080548E02 Motorola Windscreen is for Headset Boom Microphone. 5080548E02 offers additional protection from wind and noisy background which is needed for consistent communication in noisy environments  
Known AsMotorola 5080548E02, 5080548E02 Manufacturer Motorola
Motorola 75012068001, 75012068001, 7580376E34: The 75012068001 Motorola Ear Seals features Hygenic Foam, Pack of 2 and fits several Motorola Heavy Duty Headsets. The Motorola 75012068001 has replaced 7580376E34
Known AsMotorola 75012068001, 75012068001, 7580376E34 Manufacturer Motorola
- 7%
Motorola 8505241U03, 8505241U03: The 8505241U03 Motorola Antenna features 800 Digital Band, 806-870 MHz, 1/2 Wave, 7 inch Whip Antenna  
AntennaPortable/Hand Held Radio Antenna BandDigital 800
Motorola 8505241U05, 8505241U05: The 8505241U05 Motorola Antenna features UHF Band, Heliflex Style Antenna, Whip Antenna, 6" Length, 403-520 MHz  
AntennaPortable/Hand Held Radio Antenna BandUHF
Motorola 8505241U06, 8505241U06: The 8505241U06 Motorola Antenna features Digital 700/800/900, Stubby Style, Quarterwave, 806-870 MHz, 4" Length  
AntennaPortable/Hand Held Radio Antenna BandDigital 800
- 13%
Motorola 8505241U11, 8505241U11: The 8505241U11 Motorola Flexible Whip Dual Band Antenna features 764 - 870 MHz and 7 inches long
Known AsMotorola 8505241U11, 8505241U11 Manufacturer Motorola
Motorola AARLN4885B, AARLN4885: The AARLN4885B Motorola Earpiece features Ear Bud Style, 3.5mm Plug and Coiled Cord Will fit all remote speaker mics that have a 3.5mm accessory port
Surveillance Kits/PiecesReceive Only Earpiece Radio Model Speaker MicMTX 838, APX 3000, HT 1000, XTS 3000, APX 4000, MOTOTRBO XPR 6580, MTX 9000, APX 1000, JT 1000, XTS 3500, APX 6000, MOTOTRBO XPR 7350, MTX·LS, MOTOTRBO XPR 6100, MT 2000, XTS 4250, APX 6000 XE, MOTOTRBO XPR 7380, PR 1500, MOTOTRBO XPR 6350, MTS 2000, XTS 5000, APX 7000, MOTOTRBO XPR 7550, XTS 1500, MOTOTRBO XPR 6380, MTX 960, MT 1500, APX 7000 XE, MOTOTRBO XPR 7580, XTS 2250, MOTOTRBO XPR 6500, MTX 8000, APX 6000 LI, SRX 2200, APX 4000 LI, XTS 2500, MOTOTRBO XPR 6550
Motorola BDN6676D, BDN6676D, BDN6676: The BDN6676D Motorola Adapter features 3.5mm Threaded Accessory Port, Quick Disconnect Latch and Push to Talk (PTT)
Surveillance Kits/PiecesAudio Accessory Adapter Known AsMotorola BDN6676D, BDN6676D, BDN6676
Motorola BDN6780A, BDN6780A, BDN6780: The BDN6780A Motorola Surveillance Kit features 2 Wire Kit, Earbud Style, Threaded 3.5mm plug, Color Black, Earbud Foam Cushion and plugs directly into the radio audio adapter
Clothing ClipCLothing Clip Yes Surveillance Kits/Pieces2 Wire Earbud w/Mic and PTT
Motorola HLN6602A, HLN6602A, HLN6602: The HLN6602A Motorola Chest Pack features Pen Holder and Velcro Secured Pouch. This item will fit virtually every radio model which some may not be listed here  
Carry FeaturesUniversal Chest Pack Known AsMotorola HLN6602A, HLN6602A, HLN6602
Motorola HLN6875A, HLN6875A, HLN6875: The HLN6875A Motorola Belt Clip features Hard Plastic, 3" Spring Action Belt Clip and connects to your XTS battery or APX Top Display Models. Important Note (Only works with APX Top Display Models not Full Display)  
Carry FeaturesSpring Action, Fixed Clip Known AsMotorola HLN6875A, HLN6875A, HLN6875
- 26%
The HLN9985B is Our brand replacement for the Motorola Waterproof Carry Bag. Our HLN9985B features Durable Clear Plastic, Long Carry Strap, Fastener that keeps moisture away from radio, Waterproof and will fit virtually any radio. NOTE: If your radio is taller than 12.5 inches with the antenna attached this bag may not fit you radio.
Carry FeaturesWaterproof Bag, Carry Strap Known AsMotorola HLN9985B, HLN9985B, HLN9985
- 13%
Motorola HNN9031B, HNN9031B, HNN9031AR, HNN9031: The HNN9031B Motorola Battery features IMPRES Technology, Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMh) Chemistry, 1800 Milliamps, 7.5 Volts. The HNN9031B is now replaced by the NNTN4435B, by ordering this item you will receive the NNTN4435B  
ChemistryNiMh Milliamps1800 MAH
- 18%
Motorola HNN9032B, HNN9032B, HNN9032AR, HNN9032: The HNN9032B Motorola Battery features Intrinsically Safe, Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMh) and 7.5 Volts. The HNN9032 is now Replaced by NNTN4436, by ordering this product you will receive the NNTN4436, 1800 Milliamp, NiMh, (IS) Battery
ChemistryNiMh Intrinsically SafeYES
Motorola NKN6508A, NKN6508A, NKN6508: The NKN6508A Motorola  Cable features Coiled Cable, 3.5mm Threaded Plugs and Cable Length is approx 15 Inches. The NKN6508 works with NTN1722 and NTN1625  
Known AsMotorola NKN6508A, NKN6508A, NKN6508 Manufacturer Motorola
Motorola NKN6510A, NKN6510A, NKN6510: The NKN6510A Motorola Cable features 2 Wires, Palm PTT, Connects to the CommPort and Radio Adapter. The NKN6510 Palm PTT works with BDN6783, BDN6676 and AAHLN9717 Adapters  
Warranty12 Month Known AsMotorola NKN6510A, NKN6510A, NKN6510
Motorola NKN6512A, NKN6512A, NKN6512: The NKN6512A Motorola Cable features 2 Wires, Ring PTT, Connects to the CommPort and Radio Adapter. The NKN6512A Ring PTT works with BDN6783, BDN6676 and AAHLN9717 Adapters  
Warranty12 Month Known AsMotorola NKN6512A, NKN6512A, NKN6512
- 4%
The NLN7967A Motorola Mounting Bracket features Easy Assembly, Comes with screws. Will fit most Motorola Multi Unit Chargers The NLN7967A will fit most Motorola Multi Unit Chargers for wall mounting use
Known AsNLN7967A, NLN7967 Manufacturer Motorola
- 10%
Motorola NMN6191C, NMN6191B, NMN6191: The NMN6191C Motorola Remote Speaker Mic is now known as PMMN4045. Please see 2nd photo for the actual style mic you will receive. Noise Canceling, 3.5mm unthreaded accessory port, Coiled Cable, Swivel Clip and Intrinsically Safe (FM)  
Clothing ClipRotational, Replaceable Clothing Clip Intrinsically Safe MicIntrinsically Safe Yes
Motorola NNTN4186A, NNTN4186A, NNTN4186: The NNTN4186A Motorola COMMPORT Ear Mic features Coiled Black Wire, Clothing Clip, Body PTT, Comes with BDN6676 Radio Adapter and Designed to work with HT/JT/MT/XTS Radio Series  
Warranty12 Month Known AsMotorola NNTN4186A, NNTN4186A, NNTN4186
Motorola NNTN4188A, NNTN4188A, NNTN4188: The NNTN4188A Motorola Cable features 2 Wires, Body PTT, Connects to the CommPort and Radio Adapter. The NNTN4188A Body PTT works with BDN6783, BDN6676 and AAHLN9717 Adapters  
Clothing ClipCLothing Clip Yes Warranty12 Month
- 13%
Motorola NNTN4435B, NNTN4435B, NNTN4435: The NNTN4435B Motorola Battery features IMPRES Technology, Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMh) Chemistry, 1800 Milliamps, 7.5 Volts  
ChemistryNiMh Milliamps1800 MAH
- 17%
Motorola NNTN4436B, NNTN4436AR, NNTN4436: The NNTN4436B Motorola Radio Battery features (NiMh) Nickel Metal Hydride, 3500 Milliamps, 7.5 Volts, FM approved I/S Intrinsically Safe
ChemistryNiMh Intrinsically SafeYES
- 20%
Due to Motorola's cancellation of the FM (IS) battery. We will replace it with the LOGIC ENERGY Brand TIA4950 rated Intrinsically Safe battery. SEE Below the rating for this replacement. By ordering this item you agree to our LOGIC ENERGY Replacement Battery Certified by SGS to TIA-4950 / CSA C22.2 No. 157 / UL 913 5th Edition standard for intrinsically safe use (Class I, II, III / Division 1 / Groups C-G / -20° C to 40° C, T3C) and non-incendive use (Class I / Division 2 / Groups A-D / -20° C to 40° C, T3C).
ChemistryNiMh Hazardus RatingIP67
- 56%
Our Brand NNTN6034B Replacement battery gives you more for your money. Our NNTN6034B is Non Impres, and features 4000mAh, Lithium Ion, Belt Clip and 12 month warranty. IMPORTANT NOTE: Motorola has canceled this item, making our battery a much better option. The NNTN6034B is also known as NNTN6034A and NNTN6034. Our battery will charge in Impres and Non Impres chargers. 12 Month Warranty  
Belt ClipYES ChemistryLi-Ion
Motorola NNTN8294, NNTN8294A, NNTN8294: The Motorola NNTN8294A Motorola Earpiece features Wireless Earbud, 11.5" (29cm) cable, In Line Mic, 3 sizes of Eartips and connects to Pod  
Clothing ClipCLothing Clip Yes Surveillance Kits/PiecesWireless Earbud
Motorola NNTN8295A, NNTN8295A, NNTN8295: The NNTN8295A Motorola Wireless Earpiece features 45" (116cm) cable, In Line Mic, 3 sizes of Eartips and Locking Plug  
Clothing ClipCLothing Clip Yes Surveillance Kits/PiecesWireless Earbud
- 3%
Motorola NNTN8296A, NNTN8296A, NNTN8296: The NNTN8296A Motorola Wireless Kit features 2 sets of 45" 116cm, 2 wire cables 1 White & 1 Black, 1 single-wire Black Earbud Headphone and an Industry Unique 3.5mm Earbud Adapter that allows the Officer to plug in any consumer off-the-shelf headphones  
Clothing ClipCLothing Clip Yes Surveillance Kits/PiecesWireless Earbud
The NNTN8298A Motorola Wireless Earpiece features 45" (116cm) cable, Two Wire Earbuds, In Line Mic, 3 sizes of Eartips and Locking Plug
Clothing ClipCLothing Clip Yes Surveillance Kits/PiecesWireless Earbud
Motorola NNTN8299A, NNTN8299A, NNTN8299: The NNTN8299A Motorola Wireless Kit features Eartip Pack. The NNTN8299 are replacement eartips for NNTN8296, NNTN8295 and NNTN8294  
Surveillance Kits/PiecesEartips Known AsMotorola NNTN8299A, NNTN8299A, NNTN8299
Motorola NNTN8361A, NNTN8361A, NNTN8361: The NNTN8361A Motorola Wireless Kit features 20 Small, 20 Medium, 20 Large Eartips and 10 Clothing Clips. The NNTN8361 are replacement eartips for NNTN8296, NNTN8295 and NNTN8294  
Surveillance Kits/PiecesEartips Known AsMotorola NNTN8361A, NNTN8361A, NNTN8361
Motorola NNTN8385A, NNTN8385A, NNTN8385: The NNTN8385A Motorola Wireless Neckloop Y-Adapter features Barrel Style Mic, Plug to connect to RLN4920 Neckloop and Plug for connecting to Wireless PTT POD NTN2570 or NTN2571. The RLN4920 Neckloop shown in photo is not included  
Surveillance Kits/PiecesNeckloop Y-Adapter Warranty12 Month
The NNTN8434A Motorola Complete Discreet Surveillance Kit features Beige Neckloop and Retention Hook, Beige Y-Adapter, Barrel Mic, Micro USB Charging Wire, Lithium Polymer Battery gives approximately 8 hours of run time, Wireless Discreet Earpiece and NTN2571 PTT POD. This kit requires the separate purchase of the PMLN5792 for XTS Series Radios, PMLN5993 for XPR Series Radios, Please check your APX radios for the blue dot for Bluetooth Ready  
Surveillance Kits/PiecesCompletely Discreet Kit Warranty12 Month
Motorola NNTN8457A, NNTN8457A, NNTN8457: The NNTN8457A Motorola Retention Hook Neckloop Y-Adapter color beige  
Surveillance Kits/PiecesEar Wax Guards Warranty12 Month
- 63%
Our NTN1667A is a direct replacement for the Motorola original charger. Our NTN1667A features Single Unit Desktop, Quad-Chemistry, 110V AC, Charges Nickel Cadmium (NiCd), Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMh), Lithium Polymer (Li-Po) and Lithium ion (Li-Ion). The NTN1667A is also known as NTN1667
Known AsNTN1667A, NTN1667 Manufacturer Battery Distributors
Motorola NTN2570C, NTN2570C, NTN2570: The NTN2570C Motorola Wireless Earpiece features 12" cable, FM Approved Intrinsically Safe, Over-the-Ear Style, In-Line Push-to-Talk (PTT), Acoustic Ear Tube and Clothing Clip. Battery power offers approximately 10 hours of run time on a 5/35/60 use. Micro USB Charging connection, Lithium Polymer Battery and has a Maximum Range of 33 feet of operation from radio  
Clothing ClipCLothing Clip Yes Warranty12 Month
Motorola NTN2572A, NTN2572A, NTN2572: The NTN2572A Motorola Earpiece features 12" cable, FM Approved Intrinsically Safe, Color Black, Over-the-Ear Style, Proprietary Earpiece 2.5mm Connector and the NTN2572A was designed to give First Responders all day comfort  
Clothing ClipCLothing Clip Yes Warranty12 Month
Motorola NTN2575A, NTN2575A, NTN2575: The NTN2575A Motorola Earpiece features Bluetooth Technology, 9.5" cable, FM Approved Intrinsically Safe, Color Black, Over-the-ear Style, Proprietary Earpiece 2.5mm Connector. The NTN2575A was designed to give First Responders all day comfort  
Known AsMotorola NTN2575A, NTN2575A, NTN2575 Manufacturer Motorola
Motorola NTN5243A, NTN5243A, NTN5243: The NTN5243A Motorola Shoulder Strap features Scissor Locking Clips, Black Nylon, Adjustable and Easily attaches to "D" rings on Holster. As long as your radio cases has the Side Mounted D Rings this strap will work for your case  
Carry FeaturesShoulder Strap Known AsMotorola NTN5243A, NTN5243A, NTN5243
Motorola NTN8039B, NTN8039B, NTN8039A, NTN8039: The NTN8039B Motorola Belt Loop features Stainless Steel Loop, Hard Leather, High Activity Loop, 2.5" Belt Loop  
Carry FeaturesSwivel Belt Loop, Hard Leather Loop, Belt Loop Known AsMotorola NTN8039B, NTN8039B, NTN8039A, NTN8039
Motorola NTN8266B, NTN8266B, NTN8266: The NTN8266B Motorola Belt Clip features Heavy Duty Plastic, 2.5" Spring Action Belt Clip and connects to your XTS battery or APX Top Display Models. Important Note (Only works with APX Top Display Models not Full Display)
Carry FeaturesSpring Action, Fixed Belt Loop Known AsMotorola NTN8266B, NTN8266B, NTN8266
- 13%
Motorola NTN8294BR, NTN8294BR, NTN8294: The NTN8294BR Motorola Battery features IMPRES Technology, Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMh) Chemistry, 1800 Milliamps, 7.5 Volts. The NTN8294BR battery is now replaced by the NNTN4435B battery, by ordering this item you will receive the NNTN4435B
ChemistryNiMh Milliamps1800 MAH
- 21%
Motorola NTN8297AR, NTN8297AR, NTN8297: The NTN8297AR Motorola Battery features Intrinsically Safe (FM), Nickel Metal Hydride, 1800 Milliamps, 7.5 Volts and Ruggedize. The NTN8297AR battery has now been replaced by the NNTN4437B  
ChemistryNiMh Intrinsically SafeYES
- 14%
Motorola NTN8299BR, NTN8299BR, NTN8299: The NTN8299BR Motorola Battery features Intrinsically Safe, Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMh), 1700 Milliamps, 7.5 Volts
ChemistryNiMh Intrinsically SafeYES
Motorola NTN8380C, NTN8380C, NTN8380: The NTN8380C Motorola Holster features 8 Ounce Leather, Stainless Steel Hardware, D Rings, 2.5 Inch High Activity Belt Loop, T Strap and is made for Model II Limited Keypad and Model III Full Keypad
Carry FeaturesHard Leather Holster, Swivel Belt Loop, T Strap, D Rings Known AsMotorola NTN8380C, NTN8380C, NTN8380
Motrola NTN8381C, NTN8381C, NTN8381: The NTN8381C Motorola Radio Holster features Top Grain Leather, 3" High Activity Swivel Belt Loop, T-Strap, D Rings and works with Model II Limited Keypad and Model III Full Keypad
Carry FeaturesD Rings, Hard Leather Holster, Swivel Belt Loop, T Strap Known AsMotrola NTN8381C, NTN8381C, NTN8381
- 22%
Motorola NTN8613C, NTN8613C, NTN8613A, NTN8613B, NTN8613: The NTN8613C Motorola Adapter features Surveillance Kit Adapter, Key Load Adapter, Female 6 Pin Hirose with Quick Release. The NTN8613C Radio Adapter is utilized for programming radios and to use surveillance equipment with a Hirose Quick Release  
Warranty12 Month Known AsMotorola NTN8613C, NTN8613C, NTN8613A, NTN8613B, NTN8613
Motorola NTN8725A, NTN8725A, NTN8725: The NTN8725A Motorola Nylon Holster features Fixed Belt Loop, and T-Strap and is made for Model I without keypad, Model II Radios with Limited Keypad and Model III Radios with Full Keypad
Known AsMotorola NTN8725A, NTN8725A, NTN8725 Manufacturer Motorola
Motorola NTN8988A, NTN8988A, NTN8988: The NTN8988A Motorola Ear Straps includes (pack of 10) for secure attachment to ear and works with the CommPort and Mission Critical Wireless Earpiece's  
Known AsMotorola NTN8988A, NTN8988A, NTN8988 Manufacturer Motorola
Motorola NTN9179A, NTN9179A, NTN9179: The NTN9179A Motorola Belt Loop features Hard Leather, Stainless Steel, 3.0" Belt Loop and D Button. The NTN9179 helps to convert you Universal Plastic Carry Holster to a Swivel Case
Carry FeaturesD Button, Hard Leather Loop, Swivel Belt Loop Known AsMotorola NTN9179A, NTN9179A, NTN9179
Motorola NTN9184A, NTN9184A, NTN9184: The NTN9184A Motorola Radio Holster features Top Grain Leather, Fixed Belt Loop, T-Strap, and "D" Rings and made for use with Model II Limited Keypad and Model III Full Keypad that are using the CLAMSHELL BATTERY PACK ONLY
Carry FeaturesT Strap, Fixed Belt Loop, D Rings, Hard Leather Holster Known AsMotorola NTN9184A, NTN9184A, NTN9184
Motorola NTN9212A, NTN9212A, NTN9212: The NTN9212A Motorola Button features D Style and only fits the NTN9213A 3.0" Belt Loop. This D button connects directly to the battery which eliminates the need for a carry case or a belt clip  
Carry FeaturesD Button Known AsMotorola NTN9212A, NTN9212A, NTN9212
- 1%
In stock
$2000 $1990
Motorola NTN9213A, NTN9213A, NTN9213: The NTN9213A Motorola Belt Loop features 3" Loop and only works with NTN9212A D Button. This Belt Loop eliminates the need for a full holster  
Carry FeaturesSwivel Belt Loop, Hard Leather Loop Known AsMotorola NTN9213A, NTN9213A, NTN9213
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